Tülay Deliduman
Legal Counsellor DEinternational A.Ş.
+90 (542) 476 70 11 tulay.deliduman@dtr-ihk.deFinding solutions together: Resolving business disputes peacefully.
Resolving conflicts by agreement instead of in court!
Conflicts can be resolved by agreement between the parties. Disputes that are resolved by agreement offer sustainable solutions for both individuals and society. TOBBUYUM, in cooperation with AHK Dispute Resolution, offers mediation services to resolve commercial disputes between companies.
We are committed to peaceful ways of resolving disputes!
The TOBBUYUM mediation program in cooperation with the AHK Dispute Resolution aims to avoid court proceedings and ensure the continuation of business relationships. This project promotes the spread of peaceful resolution methods in the business world and contributes to the smooth running of commercial activities.
Legal Counsellor DEinternational A.Ş.
+90 (542) 476 70 11 tulay.deliduman@dtr-ihk.de