Oya Dinçdoğdu
Head of Department |Vocational Education DEinternational A.Ş.
+90 (537) 311 19 39 oya.dincdogdu@dtr-ihk.deThe Immigration Act for Skilled Workers came into force on 1 March 2020. Certain sectors of the German economy and certain regions in Germany experience a lack of qualified labour. As a result of demographic changes and the digital transformation Germany is seeking qualified personnel in particular in the areas of health and care, but also for positions in certain technical professions.
Türkiye is currently experiencing a high level of unemployment, and many well-qualified persons show an interest in Germany. It is generally predicted that the number of open positions in many professions in Germany will not decrease in the near future.
For more information on the Immigration Act for Skilled Workers please click on these links:
However, the Act stipulates a number of conditions. Before you can apply you must fulfil certain requirements. The main criteria are listed below.
If you have received your vocational training in Germany or graduated from a German institution of higher education, the condition of equivalence of qualification does not apply.
There is no single authority in charge of recognising the equivalence of qualifications acquired in a foreign country. For more information please refer to the following websites.
Recognition Portal (anerkennung-in-deutschland.de)
Note.: This website provides information about the equivalence of your certificates with similar ones in Germany. It can, however, not be used for the submission of applications for the recognition of equivalence of qualification.
Another precondition stipulated by the Immigration Act for Skilled Workers is knowledge of the German language. Depending on the job and the company the required level of language proficiency varies.
The following official website of the German Government allows you to track adverts for open positions arranged by profession.
Looking for a job (make-it-in-germany.com)
This link leads to a video message by the Federal Minister for the Economy and Climate Protection, Robert Habeck:
Head of Department |Vocational Education DEinternational A.Ş.
+90 (537) 311 19 39 oya.dincdogdu@dtr-ihk.de